In late 2023, I embarked on my first Formula One race experience, attending the first-ever Las Vegas Grand Prix. I had...
Have you ever been out on a walk and as you take that next step, you feel the slippery squish...
Among China’s traditional holidays and celebrations, none ranks higher in importance than the Lunar New Year (農曆新年). Also known as...
Human fear of sharks has deep roots. Written works and art from the ancient world contain references to sharks preying on...
It’s an observation as old as humans gathering around campfires: Light at night can draw an erratically circling crowd of...
When I was younger, I would watch “Batman” on my black-and-white television after school. Usually, Batman would face either the...
They go by many names – pigs, hogs, swine, razorbacks – but whatever you call them, wild pigs (Sus scrofa) are one...
In 2023, 24 states had laws or regulations in place prohibiting transgender students from participating on public school athletic teams consistent with...
The big idea About one in four 11th-graders in Colorado exercised their right to skip the state’s official science test each year between 2016...
Frustration with electric utilities is universal today. Whether it’s concerns over high rates, poor service or a combination of both, people are constantly...