In a small private school in Jacksonville, a teenager put on a virtual-reality headsetfor the first time. Immersed in another...
Shauna Quirk has a degree in Spanish and arrived at a career in teaching by roundabout means. So a few...
861 million in research funding in fiscal year 2021 – the second-highest amount ever – despite the ongoing challenges presented by the pandemic.
Holly Lane never anticipated long-term disruptions in education when the pandemic started forcing schools to close last spring. “When schools...
When states like Florida pass laws to put more police officers in schools, the idea is to keep kids safe. But as...
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Educating future generations
A hub for early childhood science
National Science Foundation Fellowships nurture young scientists
UF Center pioneering tactics for creating change
UF students document Nantucket as they learn skills that will help it live on
UF ranks No. 5 for doctorates awarded to Hispanic and Latino students