In the effort to remove excess carbon dioxide from our atmosphere, humans have an unlikely ally: fjords.
With their first steps, humans change landscapes and leave evidence behind
An internet of things solution brings weather data back to Haiti
UF researcher became the first scientist to achieve genome-scale sequencing and analysis of marine creatures at sea in real time
Quantifying Florida's coastline
UF researcher uses laser scanning to document coastal communities' heritage
How do you find out what a fish feels? For UF researcher James Liao, the answer involves lasers, taxidermy and more
UF researchers discovered genes resistant to a devastating pine forest disease
Program for Resource Efficient Communities director talks low carbon
A UF medicinal chemistry professor has discovered a natural sunscreen made by microbes that may be better for humans – and the environment as well.
Plants grown under five-second on/off cycles appeared to be almost identical to those grown under the normal light/dark period.
Fossil finds reveal clues to an ancient Florida era