Neuro team mobilizes immune
system against tumors
UF researchers are working to discover therapeutic treatments for the inability to smell
The study was designed to determine what factors might impact how much food parents are serving their young children
Researchers have found spending a week longer in the womb may give babies a tiny leg up on cognitive ability
UF researchers say common sense may be our best defense
Athletes who wait to report a concussion may experience longer recovery times
The new mouse model closely replicates the symptoms and gene expression patterns found in people
UF researchers have found electrical stimulation treatment can help ease back pain in older adults
UF-led collaborations are transforming the way science becomes medicine
A UF Health researcher has found a laser system already used to kill brain tumors has another benefit
This finding could someday lead to more effective treatment of drug addictions and neurological disorders
Two UF researchers have invented a device that makes chemotherapy treatments more personalized, efficient and affordable