Airborne virus plays a significant role in community transmission, many experts believe. A new study fills in the missing piece: Floating virus can infect cells.
While popular destinations are slowly reopening and tourism is beginning to pick up in some spots, the impact of the pandemic on the industry has been nothing short of devastating.
Assistant Professor Michelle Cardel
Cindy Prins, a clinical associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Florida's College of PHHP, weighs in on the benefits of wearing a face mask during COVID-19.
UF Biostatistician Natalie Dean talks about what data has shown over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The supply chains for common household items — like cleaning supplies or hardware — have had difficulties before the COVID-19 global pandemic.
UF Psychology professor Lisa Scott discusses the effects of traditional face masks on early childhood development.
UF researchers are working with CRISPR-based technology to create quick testing for SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
Now that a respiratory virus has made us fearful of passing each other in grocery store aisles and caused the masked among us to gaze reproachfully at the unmasked, suddenly, breathing seems complicated.
UF travel professor Lori Pennington-Gray talks about travel anxiety and the return of business in the travel industry.
State economies continue to reopen, and experts are working to provide the best information on what to expect.