Portrait of Matt Disney sitting in a lab with his chin resting on his clasped hands.
In June 2000, when President Bill Clinton announced that the initial sequencing of the human genome had been completed, it...
Compilation of microscopic imaging of antibiotic resistant bacteria
In the fight against terrorism, one weapon is invisible to the naked eye. The expertise and materials rogue nations or...
Seen from a distance, four students examine striations in red volcanic rock on the edge of a crater strewn with boulders. They wear sun hats to protect from the glare and heat. One points at the rock patterns, which are crumbled and eroded.
The drone wouldn’t fly. The wheelchair-accessible van spun its tires, digging into the dusty gravel. And the men with shotguns...
Thomas Burris boarded his flight, found his seat and opened a book on nuclear receptors, the class of proteins he...
Feature image for "One Small Sprout" feature from Spring 2022 issue of Explore magazine.
A safe seems an unlikely place for a box of soil. Unless it’s the rarest, most valuablesoil on Earth. So...
A symphony orchestra is comprised of the strings, the woodwinds, the brass and percussion. Without one, you lose the depth of sound. Without them all, you lose the genius of Beethoven or Mozart.