Dr. Emre Tepe is studying the spatial and temporal relationships between COVID-19 cases and urban characteristics.
Dr. Balachandar answered questions on Reddit's Ask Science thread about how far infectious droplets could carry a virus in host-to-host transmission.
Combining an anti-inflammatory drug with an antiviral drug reduces recovery time and accelerates improvement for COVID-19 patients, a national study co-authored by UF Health researchers has found.
Gabriela Hamerlinck teaches about pandemics at UF.
Patients with a vitamin D deficiency were four times more likely to be COVID-19 positive than those with a sufficient amount of the crucial vitamin.
“You need large numbers and multiple products in many different settings tested in many different kinds of people to assess whether they’re really safe and effective,” said Ira Longini, a professor at UF PHHP and UF Medicine.
Universities and health care entities in Florida are providing outreach & engagement to minority communities affected by COVID-19.
Researchers from across the University of Florida and UF Health have joined an urgent effort to collect and donate personal protective equipment, or PPE, to build upon existing stockpiles in support of clinical colleagues on the frontlines of treating COVID-19.
As the physical and socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be explored by different experts, researchers at UF are using data from the past to establish a method for predicting the near-term economic impacts of the pandemic.
Choices are affected by how people see the world, whom they trust, their perceptions of risk and consistency of message.
Despite pandemic complications, 30% of travelers would consider cruising next year, a survey from the University of Florida shows, with fans of cruising even more willing to get onboard.
New research published in Science looks back at how COVID-19 spread over time throughout Brazil, to create a pandemic hotspot.