UF scholar Mark Flannery is Securities and Exchange Commission’s new chief economist
Tapomoy Bhattacharjee monitors the printing of a jellyfish.
UF ushers in a new age of engineering with a novel technology for 3-D printing the softest objects
Technology opens UF's collection of amphibians and reptiles to the world
Clyde Fraisse
UF associate professor uses app to talk climate change with farmers
Hero image for Explore Summer '21 feature story, "Trusting Tech"
When you can’t trust your own eyes and ears to detect deepfakes, who can you trust? Perhaps, a machine. University of Florida researcher Damon Woodard is using artificial intelligence methods to develop algorithms that can detect deepfakes — images, text, video and audio that purports to be real but isn’t. These algorithms, Woodard says, are better at detecting deepfakes than humans.
Feature image for UF Explore's story on Aerosol research.
As scientific voids go, it would be hard just now to find a more pressing question: How do the aerosols...
Jay Ritter, Mr. IPO
Jay Ritter has spent his career tracking the emergence of new public companies