Three leading researchers at the Warren B. Nelms institute for the Connected World are using AI to make the IoT more secure and efficient.
Wei Zhai and his team received a $10,000 year-long Microsoft AI for Earth grant, offering him access to imperative computational resources such as Azure Machine Learning, Virtual Machine and App Service and Storage.
Jasmine McNealy, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications associate director of the Marion B. Brechner First Amendment Project and Telecommunication associate professor,...
Mostafa Reisi Gahrooei, Ph.D., has received funding from theNSF for his research in developing a proactive, data-driven framework for monitoring road transportation networks during extreme events.
Boyi Hu, Ph.D., an assistant professor for the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISE) at the University of Florida...
A new project focuses on algorithms to improve methods of radiation therapy used in cancer treatments by optimizing treatment planning.
In order to better understand the center of human intelligence, Ruogu Fang uses artificial intelligence.
Christina Boucher, Ph.D., associate professor in the UF Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE), has received a $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Researchers at UF are using data from the past to establish a method for predicting the near-term economic impacts of the pandemic.
While data science experts create algorithms, embed programs and study machine learning, Duncan Purves asks what ethical issues could arise.
Power and cooling upgrades are underway at the UF Data Center on East Campus as part of the latest in UF's AI Initiative.
This month we spotlight Alina Zare who conducts research and teaches in the areas of machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision and image analysis, and remote sensing.