He didn’t plan to return to his hometown, but when engineer, musician and administrator Oṣubi Craig saw the opportunity to...
“The Martian” is giving away a secret: science is really, really cool.
Michael McDonald makes big data count for democracy
Artificial intelligence and computer science researchers say getting machines to do the right thing has turned out to be relatively easy. We program Roombas to vacuum our homes, but don’t expect them to brew our coffee. We program robotic arms to sort parts in factories, but not to decide which colors to paint cars. We program doorbells to tell us who is at the door, but not to let them in. Most of our machines do one thing and do it well, usually in error-free fashion. They get the task right.
UF seeks to create a more inclusive environment for women in STEM
Where, when and how we work may never return to pre-pandemic norms. Artificial intelligence and demographic shifts will reshape our...
UF scientists and artists are blending their unique talents to mutual benefit
Societal changes impact the geography of aging
Mining museums for new knowledge
Linguistics team studies the benefits of speaking multiple languages
Economic benefits from a world of creativity
Science and Art in the Anthropocene