The icy continent is a perfect place to imitate space
UF/IFAS will concentrate on culturing the greening bacterium in the laboratory in order to be able to conduct experiments
UF scientist has moved one step closer to his goal of eliminating 99.9 percent of peanut allergens
On a farm outside Gainesville, plant geneticist Patricio Muñoz strides through rows of shoulder-high blueberry bushes. He’ll log up to...
Plants grown under five-second on/off cycles appeared to be almost identical to those grown under the normal light/dark period.
UF researchers are taking a three-pronged approach to fighting a devastating citrus disease
Robots and information technology may rule the roost
Fifteen early career UF/IFAS scientists have been awarded grants to help solve global issues
In this issue of Explore, we illustrate a sampling of the ways UF exemplifies the land-grant ideals
UF associate professor uses app to talk climate change with farmers
That early warning could give growers enough lead time to destroy plagued trees and save the rest