Holly Lane never anticipated long-term disruptions in education when the pandemic started forcing schools to close last spring.  “When schools...
digging in Panama
The Panama Canal expansions offers UF and its partners unprecedented scientific and educational opportunities
Marty Hylton peers out of a window in Nantucket’s oldest house, the Jethro Coffin house, built in 1686.
UF students document Nantucket as they learn skills that will help it live on
women in STEM, Juan Gilbert lab
UF seeks to create a more inclusive environment for women in STEM
Algebra nation photo
UF Education experts team up with a Gainesville tech company to launch mathematics app
baby playing
UF Center Is Focused On Learning From Infancy
Feature image for "The Science of Reading" from Explore magazine's Fall 2021 issue
Shauna Quirk has a degree in Spanish and arrived at a career in teaching by roundabout means. So a few...